Hi, I’m Nancy M. Patrick, and this is part of my journey through life … with art

Art is part of my essence.The arts were a mainstay at PS 11, my elementary school. Art was intertwined with all aspects of school.It wasn’t till i was an adult that i realized how unique this approach was. Many thanks to my principal, Mrs. Cereta.

I did well in art throughout elementary and high school. except for one handicap, I was a girl.

In high school I took Major Art, I was on the year book art staff, drew the cover for the Senior Play, But when I expressed my interest in becoming a commercial artist to one of my art teachers, a woman,  she  told me  “art is too hard for girls”. 

The time was the early sixties and most of us still listen to the adults… so I followed an education track instead of art.

Of course I integrated art into everything I did, even branching out into photography and video production  over the next few decades. I art became a “hobby”… painting now and then... joining local art groups, and entering art shows. 

Fast forward to 2018…I have some very encouraging friends and mentors… but mainly a belief in me! 

I’ve always taken photos, Wherever I go I take photos… my friends say I take too many!!  But this is how I save specific moments in time to remember and savor. Memories …  Since returning to painting I realized I have stored a treasure trove of inspiration … with six storage boxes of print photos,  plus more digital photos on numerous flash drives and over 40,000 just on my I Phone!  

My paintings are usually derived from actual places I have visited.

But … these photos and thoughts  inspire me to create my paintings claiming the journey, the story and that moment in time as my own!!  Art is a realm where imagination and reality collide to produce a unique representation of myself.

N MCCARTHY ART is born in my kitchen

I decided to work full time with my art in 2018. I started painting everyday with acrylics. The best place to paint - the kitchen. I took a 5’ x 11’ part of the dining area… which I am rapidly outgrowing! I decided to use my maiden name because my father, John J. McCarthy was the first person to encourage me as an artist.

Jumping into Art Again

Setting goals seemed the way to go jump start my art career. So I started to enter art shows… surprise I was judged into the first art show I entered. Very encouraging.

Photos to Painting (photo left, painting right)

I’ve always taken photos, wherever I go I try to capture that moment in time. Whenever i paint a place I’ve visited, whether its surreal or representational it becomes mine. The breeze in my hair , the smell of flowers, the heat of the sun, the brightness of the stars, the images I imagined are imbedded in the painting to enjoy over and over again.(Since returning to painting I realized I have stored a treasure trove of inspiration … with over 40,000 photos just on my I Phone! What memories….

Early Paintings

These are from the late 1960’s, my first paintings with Liquitex Acrylic paint (the company is still around) they still seem as colorful now as when I painted them!

Susan my Studio Assistant

A studio assistant is a vital part of any art endeavor. Frog or dog, bird or fish, otter or horse, even a photo of a loved one, a companion, confidant, or mentor, a studio assistant is a necessary part if any art endeavor. Susan wad adamant that CATS were the superior choice. Susan has edited my subject matter (more images cats would be interested in). She gave encouragement when I suffered from a lack of motivation. And she was extremely tight reigned when it came to following directions when framing or putting together storage units.

Expanding Horizons

After selling a few paintings, I came across the opportunity to exhibit my work at a local restaurant. I became one of about 30 exhibiting artists. We paint at the restaurant entertaining and engaging the customers. Then the restaurant will hang and sell my art.

Donations, a way to advertise myself

I’ve donated paintings to help fundraising for various non-profit organizations, art galleries, friends of the library, and women’s groups. Besides helping a good cause, more people know me as an artist.

Changing subjects

Landscapes were among the first things I painted. But I’m changing and evolving. As my interests change, so does my art.Inspired by photos, memories, imagination, love of science and science fiction and the need to create surreal and fantasy paintings came about.